SIA “Stikla Serviss” has concluded an agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 Programme “Business Development, Innovation and SME’s” small grant scheme “Development of Welfare Technologies” the implementation of the project “Development of a new high added value product supporting welfare and quality of life by SIA “Stikla Serviss”” (ID Nr. NAGS2-IES-2021/4), agreement No. NP-2022/22.
The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of SIA “Stikla Serviss” by 2024 developing new high added value product supporting welfare and quality of life – glass constructions to improve human safety, inclusion, and well-being.
The project foresees experimental development activities for a new product (manufacture and testing of components and prototypes) and knowledge transfer activities in cooperation with project partner AS “KLAUSENGRUPPEN”.
Planned project costs: EUR 183 341.20 EUR, Norwegian financial instrument grant – 123 593.87 EUR EUR.
The planned duration of the project implementation is 24 months from April 2022 to March 2024.

Supported by Norway through the
Norway Grants